Pratyahara is usually translated into ‘withdrawl of the senses,’ however, like many Sanskrit terms, the meaning is much deeper than what we see on the surface level. The term is composed of two Sanskrit words, prati and ahara. ‘Ahara’ means …
Prāṇāyāma is a Sanskrit word often translated into ‘breath control’— however the word itself is compiled with two words. Prana, meaning life force or energy (and is often related to as the breath); and ayāma, meaning to extend or draw …
‘Yoga’ has become a buzzword that can be related to many different things for many different people. Contrary to popular belief— yoga is not just a physical exercise and you do not have to be super bendy or strong to …
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Asana is translated into ‘to be seated in a position that is steady but relaxed.’ Most of the time, Asana is translated as a posture, position, or seat, and today is mostly related to …
Yoga and meditation go hand in hand, in fact Yoga can be viewed as a type of meditation. When practicing the postures, we aim to stay in the present moment, with awareness of the body and mind. This can be …
In modern society, people increasingly see Yoga as a form of exercise such as going to the gym or attending an aerobics class. There may be a vague sense that bending yourself into unusual positions has some kind spiritual benefit …
If you have ever engaged in a sustained spiritual practice like Yoga, meditation, or anything that brings you face-to- face with the contents of your mind, you may be shocked at what you have found. The untrained human mind is …
There are many different styles of yoga that are practiced across the World. Some are more active, some more passive, some more focused on energetic alignment and some more focused on moving in smooth transition. Here are some of …
In the West, for many people religion has very negative connotations. This is not surprising given the history of our organised religions: we have Christians gleefully embarking on crusades to murder anybody who does not submit to their message of …
At the Vagabond Temple we have a packed daily schedule of Yoga, meditation, talks and other activities. Our guests are supported by each-other and the teachers to attend as many classes as possible to make the most out of the …