Fake News- Don’t Spread It!

Yogic Lifestyle

Being the spiritual warriors we are, our quest for truth often takes unexpected turns in this age of information. With social media becoming our go-to source for knowledge, the challenge lies in distinguishing the genuine from the fake. 

Trustworthy information is like a needle in a haystack, hidden among unreliable sources with hidden agendas. Even mainstream news isn’t immune to the problem of fake news, but social media is definitely taking the lead in spreading misinformation at lightning speed.

A study by  MIT scholars found that false news spreads more rapidly on the social network Twitter than real information does. False news stories are 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories.

True stories take six times longer to reach 1,500 people than fake ones.

Now, you might think, “It should be easy to avoid. We’ve got fact-checkers and Google, right?” Unfortunately, that’s where our love for gossiping or good conspiracy kicks in. We fall for fake news faster than we can say, “social media scrolling.”

Fake news isn’t just harmless nonsense; it’s a puppet master pulling strings, manipulating public opinions, and, in extreme cases, contributing to chaos and violence. It severely threatens our minds, beliefs, and actions, personally and globally. 

So, here’s some vital information for all of us navigating the social media world: let’s spread real facts, not false ones.

Let’s delve into understanding the three primary types of fake news: 

  1. Misinformation involves the spread of misleading or false information without the intent to harm or deceive. 
  2. Disinformation, here, misleading or false information, is intentionally spread with the purpose of causing harm or deception.
  3. Malinflrmation refers to information based on reality but deliberately manipulated or presented in a way that is intended to cause harm.

Despite our good intentions, many of us unknowingly fall into the trap of spreading misinformation.

 It typically begins with someone harboring ill intentions, creating either disinformation or malinformation. Innocent individuals, believing it, inadvertently become channels for its spread. 


So, why are we so quick to hit the ‘share’ button on fake news? 

Confirmation Bias. 

We are unconsciously favoring information that strokes our beliefs. After all, who cares if the news is accurate as long as they prove my opinions are just?  We yearn to reinforce our worldview. 

Confirmation bias often leads us to skip critical evaluation. Consequently, we share such information without checking its accuracy, contributing to the rapid dissemination of misinformation across social networks.

At times, our brain’s bias is so strong —show it the straight-up facts, and it still insists on holding onto its beliefs because, well, change is hard!

Provocation of Extreme Emotions:

Fake news knows how to play with our feelings and often exploits strong emotional triggers, such as fear, anger, or anxiety. This emotional charge captures our attention, making misinformation more memorable and shareable. And the social media algorithms? They are making sure we get a front-row seat to this emotional circus.

The intense emotional responses make us suspend our critical thinking and overlook the need for fact-checking. We just want to express our emotions! 

Trust and familiarity 

The dynamic duo that makes fake news even sneakier. Since fake news spreads through our social circles, often from people we trust, credibility is automatically assigned.  Our trust in friends, family, or communities can inadvertently override our critical thinking.  Well, if my friend says so, it can’t be wrong, right? And if the information circulates within our community, we are exposed to it through multiple sources, and the need to fact-check diminishes. We believe that if so many people shared it, it must be true.

Explaining the Unexplainable:

Fake news swoops in with simple, tidy explanations for complex issues that we find challenging to grasp or accept. In the face of uncertainty or ambiguity, we seek reassurance and clarity. 

This is especially appealing during times of crisis or confusion. Why rack our brains when we can keep it simple? This creates a vulnerability to misinformation that provides a way to make sense of the unknown. Or an easy way out for intricate issues that may lack clear solutions.


So, how can we avoid falling into the fake news trap? Here are ten practical tips:

  1. Educate Yourself: Know the tricks up fake news’ sleeve.
  2. Be Aware: Admit you’ve got biases. People who underestimate their biases are more vulnerable to being misled than those who acknowledge them.
  3. Get News from News Sources: Stick to credible websites to avoid the pitfalls of fake news.
  4. Check the Source: Don’t trust blindly; Ensure you know the origin of the information. Don’t share something just because everyone else is doing it.
  5. Consider the Story’s Agenda: Stories have motives; don’t be manipulated by them.
  6. Fact-Checking: Google is your BFF. Use fact-checking websites.
  7. Post from Peace: Calm down before hitting ‘share.’ Be cautious of sensational headlines. Let go of the need to be provocative. No one needs a social media meltdown.
  8. Critical Thinking: Engage that brain! Question everything you see on social media. Seek diverse perspectives and foster a habit of assessing information before accepting and spreading it.
  9. Take a Pause: Ask yourself, “Is this for real?”  Reflect on whether you genuinely want to share it and, if so, why. Consider the potential consequences of sharing it. Think before you click.
  10. Spread Love: Social media is for good vibes. People use social media for entertainment, connection, or even distraction. Be the spreader of love and kindness, not chaos.

In a world buzzing with information, let’s be the mindful curators of truth, weaving through the digital noise to share not just what’s popular but what’s genuinely real. Facts shine brighter than the fleeting allure of fake news. And, most importantly, share your love.


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