Yoga practice is an ancient, transformative practice. It has numerous different paths, styles, and depths of wisdom. Defining the yogic practice in a few words becomes difficult because of how vast and boundless the information really is. Here you will find information on the different aspects of Yoga, such as the postures, philosophy, energetic body, styles, paths, and even yoga tips for anyone who is wanting to strengthen their current practice or to begin a new one.
New To Yoga? Browse Our Beginners' Articles

Vagabond Temple Method
There is a fairly consistent realization that brings western people to the spiritual path. That realization is that life is ...

How chakra affects your life
For centuries, eastern traditions have understood that within each body, there is something that gives it life force. A spirit ...

Exhaustion, how to recover?
When we are really tired, we just want to sink back into bed and burrow under the covers. While that ...

Yoga 101: Beginners Guide To The Practice
‘Yoga’ has become a buzzword that can be related to many different things for many different people. Contrary to popular ...

The Different Styles Of Yoga at The Vagabond Temple
There are many different styles of yoga that are practiced across the World. Some are more active, some more passive, ...

The Truth About Yoga
So what is Yoga? An attempt to attain spiritual enlightenment through bending the body into a series of increasingly uncomfortable ...

Which Style Of Yoga Is Right For Me?
Yoga is a powerful spiritual system, developed over 2500 years ago to bring the mind and body into harmony and ...
Browse Our Yoga Blog

How do yoga classes help release emotions
How do yoga classes help release emotions Are some yoga postures more difficult than they should be? Is your body ...

Benefits of Doing a Yoga Retreat in Cambodia
Wondering why yoga retreat in Cambodia is so popular? Of course, because of all the fantastic benefits that retreat offers! ...

Why you should do a Yoga for Mental Health Course
When you practice yoga, you get a powerful combination of physical poses, deep breathing, increased awareness, and mindfulness. This combination ...

Let’s talk about commitment…. Wait! Come back!
Human beings are strange creatures. We often find it easy to do things that harm us, but difficult to do ...

What is Dhyana?
Dhyana is the seventh limb of Patanjali’s Eight Limbed Path, and is the practice of Meditation or Contemplation. According to ...

What Is Pratyahara?
Pratyahara is usually translated into ‘withdrawl of the senses,’ however, like many Sanskrit terms, the meaning is much deeper than ...

What Is Pranayama?
Prāṇāyāma is a Sanskrit word often translated into ‘breath control’— however the word itself is compiled with two words. Prana, ...

What Is Asana?
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Asana is translated into ‘to be seated in a position that is steady but ...

Steady Eyes, Steady Mind
Yoga and meditation go hand in hand, in fact Yoga can be viewed as a type of meditation. When practicing ...

Yoga Warning! Side effects may include spiritual awakening and a more harmonious society.
In modern society, people increasingly see Yoga as a form of exercise such as going to the gym or attending ...

Being Nice To Yourself Is The Foundation Of Yoga
If you have ever engaged in a sustained spiritual practice like Yoga, meditation, or anything that brings you face-to- face ...

The Different Styles Of Yoga at The Vagabond Temple
There are many different styles of yoga that are practiced across the World. Some are more active, some more passive, ...

Yogis Are Flexible, But Not In Just The Way You Think
In the West, for many people religion has very negative connotations. This is not surprising given the history of our ...

Keep The Fire Burning: 8 Ways To Maintain Your Spiritual Practice At Home
At the Vagabond Temple we have a packed daily schedule of Yoga, meditation, talks and other activities. Our guests are ...

Power Sequence
Here is a well rounded 30 minute core-strengthening practice to keep the flow of health and joy going. You can ...

What is Yin Yoga and Why Should You Do it?
Yoga is all about balance. Balance in body, balance in mind, balance in life. Hatha yoga, the yoga commonly practiced ...

7 Spiritual Symbols to Deepen Your Yoga & Meditation Practice
Symbols are a significant part of the yoga tradition and play an integral role in yoga practices. Although today many ...

The Truth About Yoga
So what is Yoga? An attempt to attain spiritual enlightenment through bending the body into a series of increasingly uncomfortable ...

5 Ways That Yoga Can Help Us To Live In Modern Society
The society we live in often places us under great strain. Many of us feel exhausted and stressed from work, ...

Niyama – Mastering Our Inner Space
Yoga is about so much more than the postures we perform in classes; it is multifaceted system designed to bring ...

Yama: Bringing Yoga Practice To Daily Life
Practising Yoga is about much more than the postures; the main practice goes on “off the mat” in our daily ...

Using Yoga to Prepare Our Bodies and Minds for Meditation
When people think of Yoga, they are most likely to think about the postures that we see performed in Yoga ...

Yoga Asana: Cobra Pose
Cobra pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a wonderful pose for chest-opening and spine flexibility. First, it allows for deeper ...

Yoga As A Way of Life
When we truly face the reality of our life, we realize that our life is not optimal – it is ...

The True Yoga Asana
Yoga can create freedom of the body and mind. It is a spiritual path that helps us to find refuge, ...